About Us!

We Are.
We are based in the center of this city of dreams, Mumbai. The team at Vibes is highly focussed on building long lasting relationships with our clients and deliver exceptional experiences with each task at hand.

We Love
We are a bunch of young guns who loves coffee mugs, swilvelling chairs, conversations and happy people. We believe in ....

Our Arena
Our office is a small playhouse with whiteboards scribbled with pointers and discussions, posters pinned up on the walls and free merchandize all over the place! And there is always music on the stereo. A jukebox is soon to be incorporated in the shed.
Brand Management
“Authentic brands don’t emerge from marketing cubicles or advertising agencies. They emanate from everything the company does…” – Howard Schultz
The team at Vibes strategically works on creating a relationship with your customer and deliver design to ensure your brand speaks for your business.

Film Promotions
“I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” – The Godfather
The team at Vibes strategically works on creating a relationship with your customer and deliver design to ensure your brand speaks for your business.
Artist Management
“Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still have a big impact.” – Neil Patrick Harris

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Download File: https://vibesmultientertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/salim.mp4
Events & Concerts
“A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It’s my favorite part of the business, live concerts.” – Elvis Presley
360° Advertising
Engage customers with the new age advertising medium. We research your potential customers and audiences to provide advertising strategies optimum for your business. We have done guerilla marketing and flyposting too!

Digital Marketing
“Give voice to your brand.”
Digital marketing is a new journey which will let you market your product/service to a higher level platform. It is all about getting into the eyes of your target audience through social media. Social media lets you connect with innumerous audience. In today’s world ignoring digital marketing is like opening a business and not telling anyone.
Web Development

Customer Relationship Management
“How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose.”
CRM software is designed to help businesses meet the overall goals of customer relationship management. Today’s CRM software is highly scalable and customizable, allowing businesses to gain actionable customer insights with a back-end analytical engine, view business opportunities with predictive analytics, streamline operations and personalize customer service based on the customer’s known history and prior interactions with your business.
Contact Us
Let’s meet over a cup of coffee and have some memorable conversations.